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SCCtv became the first community college television station to stream live, fulltime, on the Internet. Our programs about the Seattle Community Colleges and our 7 regular program series, Artists Express, Seattle ArtsLink, Books at the Berkshire, Entrepreneurs & Innovators, I Remember Seattle, Movie Marvels, and Synopsis, are archived on our site and served on demand. Watch these programs here at And there’s more…. SCCtv/IRIS has become the portal for the League for Innovation in the Community College, an association of over 700 of this country’s top 2-year colleges. We will deliver video, audio and test programs, publications and papers demonstrating the latest theories and examples of educational development. ( Another dimension of our IRIS service is video conferencing/Interactive TV. Using H.323 technology we can bring television to offices and classroom over with Internet Protocol at vastly lower costs and improved quality over the telephone line technology. We can deliver live meetings and classes using interactive television anytime, anywhere with the technology.